Quic performance leap

QUIC Protocol

Taking a performance leap with Visuality Systems’ SMB over QUIC

Visuality Systems’ YNQ and jNQ solutions are also available over QUIC, significantly increasing overall connectivity performance, enhancing security, and discarding the need of connecting via VPN. Visuality Systems’ SMB solutions for embedded products, storage systems, and Java environments, operate over any OS such as Linux, Android, IOS and more.

Faster connection establishment
QUIC Illustration

What is QUIC and why is it better?

For decades TCP has been the standard transmission control protocol, until Google’s QUIC protocol disrupted the structured TCP concept, basing it over UDP and adding application level features for enhancing connectivity and security.

Fast connection establishment

Running over UDP reduces latency using a single handshake for establishing the network connection.

Fully secured connection

Authenticated by TLS 1.3, all packets throughout the connection are encrypted, thus SMB over QUIC acts like a built-in VPN.

Smart packet loss management

A packet header mechanism ensures recovery in case of high loss-rate, and packets requiring a reliable delivery are re-sent.

Connection migration

QUIC assigns its own ID regardless of IPs and ports, allowing it to seamlessly switch between cellular, WI-FI, and wired networks, or upon any IP or port change.

Better congestion control

A single session holds simultaneous data streams, avoiding head-of-line blocking, given UDP isn’t bound to order.

Revisited connections are established even faster

A session ticket allows reconnecting faster to previously visited servers.

Want to learn more?

No need for VPN!

The QUIC protocol replaces the need for connecting via VPN, making connections to remote servers and branch networking faster, simpler and more efficient. All packets throughout the connection are encrypted, and the handshake is authenticated with TLS 1.3, which is faster, more secure, and discards the need of multiple handshakes for establishing a network connection. The QUIC protocol creates an encrypted connection over a standard TLS port 443 instead of the legacy TCP port 445, providing full security and acting like a built-in VPN.

Remote connection without VPN
scalable and portable SMB

Highly scalable and portable SMB over QUIC

SMB over QUIC provides higher performance connectivity to file servers, with a built-in encryption on the transport layer for enhanced security, enabling copying, moving, and modifying terabytes of user data, and discarding the need of connecting via VPN, from the internet to Azure, to on-prem entities, and more.


Configuring SMB over QUIC is very simple. QUIC is supported from Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11, having full compatibility with existing features, thus all SMB features such as signing and encryption continue working as usual.

Highly scalable and portable SMB over QUIC

SMB over QUIC provides higher performance connectivity to file servers, with a built-in encryption on the transport layer for enhanced security, enabling copying, moving, and modifying terabytes of user data, and discarding the need of connecting via VPN, from the internet to Azure, to on-prem entities, and more.


Configuring SMB over QUIC is very simple. QUIC is supported from Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11, having full compatibility with existing features, thus all SMB features such as signing and encryption continue working as usual.

scalable and portable SMB

Visuality Systems & QUIC

Bringing SMB over QUIC client functionality to the IOT world

Visuality Systems’ QUIC solutions extend SMB functionality, enabling products and applications to communicate more efficiently with any SMB over QUIC supported server. Visuality Systems operates within the global SMB market since 1998, providing fully supported and widely tested advanced solutions.

Our close relationship and ongoing cooperation with Microsoft allow us to be continuously in sync, and prepare ahead of time for any new software update. We implement updates in parallel to Windows, keeping our customers up-to-date, and providing a well maintained Microsoft-licensed solution.

smb file sharing

What sets Visuality Systems apart?

Well-Established Company
Specialized in SMB
Commercially Licensed
24/7 Help Desk
Guiding the Client All the Way Through
Robust Products
Strong Partnerships

Related resources

NQ IoT (Demo)

Upgrade Your Product

Implement our SMB over QUIC add-on for enhancing security and overall connectivity performance, while removing the need for VPN

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