Visuality Systems at Drupa 2024

At Drupa 2024, Tal Widerman and Lilia Wasserman will be available to present Visuality Systems’ flagship product, YNQ, an SMB protocol software library that provides seamless integration and exceptional performance across multiple operating systems.

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security guard
CISA Recommends SMB over QUIC

By embracing SMB over QUIC, organizations can bolster their ransomware defenses while facilitating secure and efficient file sharing across disparate networks. Windows Server 2025 introduced SMB over QUIC support, previously exclusive to Azure environments.

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Secure SMB Protocol Against Malware

By implementing these recommendations and staying vigilant, you can safeguard your networks against potential threats like LockBit and QakBot, ensuring the resilience of your SMB infrastructure in the face of evolving cyber risks.

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Best security protocol
Broadening SMB over QUIC Reach

As organizations strive for heightened security and adaptability in their networks, the availability of SMB over QUIC across all editions of Windows Server marks a key step towards achieving these objectives.

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